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Removing Users from Organizations

An organization owner can be removed from an organization using the Fuzzball organization subcommand remove-owner. This subcommand takes a user ID as an argument. In the example below, we will remove user3@example.com as an organization owner.

First, we will obtain the user ID of user3@example.com using the Fuzzball organization CLI subcommand list-owners. From the output below, we see that the user ID of user3@example.com is dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b.

$ fuzzball organization list-owners
NAME              | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED          | LAST ACTIVE
user2@example.com | 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM
user3@example.com | dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b | 2024-07-09 11:20:48PM | 2024-07-09 11:20:48PM | 2024-07-09 11:20:48PM
admin@ciq.com     | 06559942-1f88-4c99-93c5-2dfb1537d355 | 2024-06-19 12:51:29PM | 2024-07-09 09:59:45PM | 2024-07-09 11:30:21PM

To remove organization owner user3@example.com, we will provide the remove-owner subcommand with the user ID dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b. An empty JSON blob should be returned if the organization owner is successfully removed.

$ fuzzball organization remove-owner dc7b2584-9895-4d9d-8a49-c8b90f9d726b

Rerunning fuzzball organization list-owners confirms user3@example.com has been removed as an organization owner.

$ fuzzball organization list-owners
NAME              | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED          | LAST ACTIVE
user2@example.com | 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM
admin@ciq.com     | 06559942-1f88-4c99-93c5-2dfb1537d355 | 2024-06-19 12:51:29PM | 2024-07-09 09:59:45PM | 2024-07-09 11:33:35PM

An organization member can be removed from an organization using the Fuzzball organization remove-member subcommand. This subcommand also takes a user ID as an argument. In the example below, we will remove user2@example.com as an organization member.

First, we will obtain the user ID of user2@example.com using the Fuzzball organization CLI subcommand list-members. From the output below, we see that the user ID of user2@example.com is 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab.

$ fuzzball organization list-members
NAME              | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED          | LAST ACTIVE
user2@example.com | 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM | 2024-07-09 11:12:52PM
user@example.com  | f5ce6b0f-03fe-4ce2-a792-e3c5f41e1e5b | 2024-07-03 09:38:36PM | 2024-07-09 09:43:07PM | 2024-07-09 10:32:54PM

To remove organization owner user2@example.com, we will provide the remove-member subcommand with the user ID 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab. An empty JSON blob should be returned if the organization member is successfully removed.

$ fuzzball organization remove-member 333360aa-c5e4-40e0-8064-f6ac7aa012ab

Rerunning fuzzball organization list-members confirms user2@example.com has been removed as an organization owner.

fuzzball organization list-members
NAME             | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED          | LAST ACTIVE
user@example.com | f5ce6b0f-03fe-4ce2-a792-e3c5f41e1e5b | 2024-07-03 09:38:36PM | 2024-07-09 09:43:07PM | 2024-07-09 10:32:54PM