Fuzzball Documentation
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Server Node Operator Installation

The Server node will run Fuzzball Orchestrate, which is deployed as a K8s operator. We must therefore begin by obtaining and installing the operator.

First, we need an access key to obtain artifacts from Depot. You will receive this key from the CIQ sales/support team upon subscribing to Fuzzball. Save it somewhere safe (with appropriate permission so that only you can access it). Use the key value to complete the instructions below to install substrate.

Now you can use the Depot access key to login to the registry using Helm.

# DEPOT_USER="" # populate with your username for CIQ Depot

# ACCESS_KEY="" # populate with the Depot key obtained from the CIQ sales/support team

# helm registry login depot.ciq.com --username "${DEPOT_USER}" --password "${ACCESS_KEY}"

Once you have logged in, you can install the Fuzzball operator with helm. You can replace the VERSION below if you need a different version of Fuzzball to be installed.

# VERSION="v2.0.12"

# CHART="oci://depot.ciq.com/fuzzball/fuzzball-images/helm/fuzzball-operator"

# IMAGE="depot.ciq.com/fuzzball/fuzzball-images/fuzzball-operator"

# helm upgrade --install fuzzball-operator "${CHART}" \
  --namespace fuzzball-system --create-namespace \
  --version "${VERSION}" \
  --set "image.repository=${IMAGE}" \
  --set "image.tag=${VERSION}" \
  --set "imagePullSecrets.name=repository-ciq-com" \
  --set "imagePullSecrets.inline.registry=depot.ciq.com" \
  --set "imagePullSecrets.inline.username=${DEPOT_USER}" \
  --set "imagePullSecrets.inline.password=${ACCESS_KEY}" \
  --set "storageClassName=local-path"

After executing this command, you can check that the operator is installed properly with the following commands:

# kubectl get pvc -n fuzzball-system
NAME                                   STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   VOLUMEATTRIBUTESCLASS   AGE
fuzzball-operator-controller-manager   Bound    pvc-e052f402-6cfe-48f8-a7b2-5d43ee7e496d   20Gi       RWO            local-path     <unset>                 6m10s

This will show that the fuzzball-operator-controller-manager is Bound to a volume.

# kubectl get crd fuzzballorchestrate.deployment.ciq.com
NAME                                     CREATED AT
fuzzballorchestrate.deployment.ciq.com   2024-09-09T19:07:26Z

This command shows that a new custom resource has been defined.

# kubectl get pod -n fuzzball-system
NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
fuzzball-operator-controller-manager-76ddb48f97-dcnx4   2/2     Running   0          8m46s

This will show that 2/2 pods instantiating the fuzzball-operator-controller-manager are running. (It might take a few minutes to complete, so don’t worry if there are initially 0/3 ready.)

You can also inspect the configuration of the operator with the following command:

# helm get values -n fuzzball-system fuzzball-operator
  repository: depot.ciq.com/fuzzball/fuzzball-images/fuzzball-operator
  tag: v2.0.11
    password: <redacted>
    registry: depot.ciq.com
    username: dgodlove@ciq.com
  name: repository-ciq-com
storageClassName: local-path
You can rerun the helm upgrade command if you want to update your version of Fuzzball or to change selected settings.

Now that we have the operator installed, you can create a configuration to support the deployment of Fuzzball Orchestrate.