Fuzzball Documentation
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Compute Node Configuration

You will want to configure firewalld to not interfere with intra-cluster communication. Either disable it or configure the internal interface to use the trusted zone.

# INTERNAL_INTERFACE="" # populate this with the value for your COMPUTE NODE environment (e.g. enp8s0)

# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-interface=${INTERNAL_INTERFACE}

# firewall-cmd --reload

Now you can install and configure NFS on the Compute node so that Fuzzball can share configuration and logging files with the Server node.

# dnf install -y nfs-utils

You can place the following contents in the file /etc/systemd/system/fuzzball-shared.mount to create a service for use with systemd. This will ensure that NFS starts properly again after a reboot.

# NFS_SERVER_IP="" # populate with the internal IP address of the Server node (e.g.

# cat >/etc/systemd/system/fuzzball-shared.mount<<EOF
Description=Mount NFS Share
Requires=remote-fs.target network-online.target
After=remote-fs.target network-online.target



Now create the shared mount point on the Compute node and load/enable/start the newly created nfs service.

# mkdir -p /fuzzball/shared

# systemctl daemon-reload

# systemctl enable --now fuzzball-shared.mount

# ls /fuzzball/shared/

The final command demonstrates that a configuration directory has already been placed on NFS by Fuzzball Orchestrate.

If the NFS service fails to load or the /fuzzball/shared directory doesn’t allow you to share between the nodes, stop and troubleshoot your NFS configuration before continuing with the instructions. If the Compute node NFS configuration looks good, check the NFS configuration on the Server node.