Accessing your Cluster
Once your cluster has been deployed in AWS, you need some information so that you can access it. You can gather the appropriate information by setting the cluster as your local K8s context and running a convenience script provided by CIQ. For these steps to work, you must have the AWS CLI and the kubectl command installed locally. Check the requirements documentation for more information.
To point your local K8s context to the Fuzzball stack that you just initialized, you need to run
aws eks update-kubeconfig
with the appropriate parameters. You can find the command that you need
to run in the CloudFormation user interface. Go to CloudFormation and highlight the root Fuzzball
stack (i.e. the only one that is not listed as “nested”). Then highlight the “Outputs” tab as shown.
The appropriate AWS CLI command will appear in the outputs panel.
Simply copy and paste that command into your terminal.
$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name daves-fb-test14-EKSClusterStack-O1GWHLV1GNIN-EKS
Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:522814735495:cluster/daves-fb-test14-EKSClusterStack-O1GWHLV1GNIN-EKS to /home/godloved/.kube/config
Now you can interact with that context using the kubectl
command. If you are comfortable with
K8s, you can get the information that you need to access your cluster with the appropriate commands,
but CIQ also offers a convenience script to retrieve all of the information you need to access your
You can download CIQ’s convenience script for retrieving cluster info, set it to executable and run it like so:
This convenience script is relatively simple. You can (and should!) inspect it and ensure that you are comfortable with the commands that it will run before executing it.
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
-------------------CLUSTER INFORMATION--------------------
Keycloak URL:
Fuzzball API URL:
Fuzzball UI URL:
Fuzzball Admin UI URL:
Fuzzball admin account:
- username:
- password: forthebenefitofmrkite
Fuzzball cluster admin account:
- username: fuzzball-admin
- password: &P%!8r:<![w*hhhv
Keycloak admin account:
- username: keycloak
- password: therewillbeashowtonight
To connect to Fuzzball:
$ fuzzball context create default fuzzball-cli
$ fuzzball context use default
$ fuzzball context login --direct
If you have not created an account, you can run:
$ fuzzball account create default
$ fuzzball account use <UUID> # supply the created UUID
Congratulations! Running this script also serves as a smoke test to ensure that your cluster is up and running and that you can access it. Next, we will discuss the process of configuring Resource Definitions and Volumes so that your cluster has resources and storage to provision when workflows are submitted.