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Interacting with Other Users' Workflows

You can check the status of workflows started by other members of your account. But by default, you will not be able to see logs, execute commands, or shell into containers of jobs in workflows started by other members of your account. To enable other account members to perform these actions on your workflows, you can add them as owners of your workflow using the command fuzzball workflow add-owner.

For example, the output below shows the account members of account “SA”.

$ fuzzball account list-members
NAME            | ID                                   | CREATED TIME          | LAST UPDATED
bphan@ciq.co    | e554e134-bd2d-455b-896e-bc24d8d9f81e | 2023-02-17 08:40:31AM | 2024-07-12 02:49:43PM
ddebonis@ciq.co | c3037e4e-e84d-41c6-96a6-bb2f8c5515db | 2023-09-21 07:13:49PM | 2024-02-09 10:39:37AM
dgodlove@ciq.co | 74a78835-1601-4364-a85c-0eee707b8017 | 2023-02-14 12:58:59PM | 2024-07-12 07:07:12AM
fburt@ciq.co    | 77a50121-b7a9-4092-8776-c4a932cbdcd6 | 2023-02-17 08:40:19AM | 2024-07-12 10:57:10AM
ysenda@ciq.co   | 1b4f57da-9865-4975-bf17-259875ee065a | 2023-02-17 08:35:35AM | 2024-02-09 10:39:51AM

Workflow owner bphan@ciq.co would like to share workflow ID f688c4fd-9bfb-4db2-bab7-53e91890c6c8 with dgodlove@ciq.co so they would run the following command to add dgodlove@ciq.co as a workflow owner.

fuzzball workflow add-owner f688c4fd-9bfb-4db2-bab7-53e91890c6c8 74a78835-1601-4364-a85c-0eee707b8017
Added owner "dgodlove@ciq.co" to workflow: f688c4fd-9bfb-4db2-bab7-53e91890c6c8

As a result, account member dgodlove@ciq.co is able to view the logs of workflow f688c4fd-9bfb-4db2-bab7-53e91890c6c8. If the workflow is still running, dgodlove@ciq.co can also execute commands in the container of the running jobs and shell into the job container.