About These Guides
If you’re looking to understand, use, or administer Fuzzball, these guides are designed specifically for you, regardless of your level of HPC expertise.
Throughout the guides, there are many examples that work with little or no modification. New users are encouraged to run the examples while reading the guides.
The different sections are arranged in order from most basic usage to the most advanced administrative concepts. This allows you to simply read what you need. Many users can get the general concepts from the Fuzzball in 15 Minutes guide and start running their workflows. Others will need to additionally learn about Fuzzfiles, Volumes, and Secrets to access their data and get the most from Fuzzball. More advanced users with specific HPC or AI/ML style workflows will benefit from the parallel and distributed docs and the advanced hardware section. Developers will be interested in the SDK section, and admins supporting on-prem installations of Fuzzball will find it useful to familiarize themselves with the Cluster Admin Guide.
Throughout the guides, technical terms are highlighted on their first use within any given page. Clicking on these terms will open the appropriate entry within the Glossary.